Category Archives: Other Poems

275-A Dying Man’s Belief on his Final destiny (A Limerick from the preacher)

There once was a man who was dying
To be one with the universe he was relying
His body to decay
Was the only way
To unite with the elements, he was trying

There was a man who was dying
To be in heaven he was relying
His salvation assured
He thanked the Lord
An ascended without even trying

Which home are you going to choose?
At home with the universe
At home with the Lord
“If you are living according to the flesh
You must die,
But if (you live) by the spirit you are putting to death
The deeds of the body
You will live.”
Romans 8:13

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273 – You Will always be My mommy

You made your choice
I had no voice
You were in control
Of my very soul
The decision was on you

Never given a chance to birth
Never knowing what life was worth
You took it away
Never a look never a glance
You took that chance
And walked away

Tell me about my childhood:
Did I ride a bike?
Did I watch cartoons?
Did I go to school?
Did I like baseball?
Did you attend to my care
when I would fall?

Tell me about my teens:
Did I have a girlfriend?
Did I do well in school?
Did I have plans for the future?
Did I have many friends?
Did I have a car?

Tell me about my adulthood:
Did I graduate college?
Did I have a successful job?
Did I meet the girl of my dreams
And get married?
Did you have any grandchildren
Of mine?

It’s ok mommy
You did what you thought
Was right at the time
I forgive you
May be again it may be
That you will hug me
And you will set yourself free
“A baby is God’s opinion that
life should go on”
Carl Sandburg

“By You I have been sustained from my birth:
You are He who took me from my mother’s womb:
My praise is continually of You” Psalm 71:6

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271-Please Forgive me When I:

Forget to call
I can’t stay awake
Till the morning break
I’m not to blame
If I forget your name
I stop and stare
Going no where
I forget to trump
I cry for no reason
Any time in season
It’s not my creation
If I exhibit frustration
Walk very slow
With nowhere to go
Excuse my anger
I can’t control
No longer active
Always distracted
I have no more trials or temptations
The din of the world has lifted
No need for memories
Locked deep in my soul
Born to die
Born to rise
To meet my salvation in the sky
“My flesh and my heart may fail,
But He is the strength of my heart and
My portion forever” PS 73-26

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268 The Road Signs to Redemption (The Preacher)

Travel the road
To the sign that says STOP
Consider your life
And all of the strife

Travel the road
To the sign that says U Turn
Make your choice
Listen to your inner voice

Travel the road
Follow the ONE-WAY sign
Continue on your way
Do not delay

Travel the road
To the sign that says YIELD
Your heart will mend
Your journey will end

Do not yield to temptation
No bend in the road
Follow his promises
Or you’ll reach a DEAD END
“No matter how far you’ve gone,
you can always turn around.”

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266 – Nightmares (The Preacher)

Let your mind unwind
Let it spin
Awaken does dark emotions
That lie within
Those that never come to light
The ones you cannot explain
A deep sense of allusion
Creeping into your dreams
There is no conclusion
Just confusion
Dreams that turn into nightmares
Those demons inside
Dare to come to light
In the darkness of the night
Never aware when they appear
Shaking the night
Deep thoughts
Deep fears
Deep visions
Disguise themselves as nightmares
You find yourself locked in
A fearful journey
As it unfolds
Who is goin’ end it?
At last
A knock on the door
A smudge on the forehead
The resurrection of the dead
The reawakening of the saints
Arouses reality
What does it mean anyhow
If nightmares come true?
What does it mean for me and you?

“Many of our dreams would become nightmares
Where there is a danger of the them coming true”
Logan Pearsall Smith
“I saw a dream that made me afraid
As I lie in bed the fantasies and the visions
Alarmed me. Daniel 4:5
“You scare me with your dreams
And terrify me with your visions” Job 7:14

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263 Life

When I pick up my pen’
It’s yesterday again
It’s yesterday for sure
The days that are no more

Though they never returned
There’s one thing I’ve learned
They never depart
When locked in the heart

The days of youth
And foolish things
The days cut short
What age brings

Age follows youth
Sage follows age
A bitter-sweet life
Every time you turn a page

Who knows when or where
Bitter meets sweet?
What causes them to meet?
Why has one forsaken one
And not the other?
Is not life a dash(-)
Between the day you’re born (-)
And the day you die?
You cannot extend your life
No matter how hard you try

“Life’s not so short
I care to keep
The unhappy days
I choose to sleep.”

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265 – Bury Me Not

Bury me not with strangers
Don’t leave me among the unknown
Who never knew my name
In a land which I do not claim

Take me to where I belong
A place I call my home
To lay where my ancestors lie
And receive my welcome good-bye

No one should die
And not be remembered
No one should perish
Without being recognized
Memories last
Till time has passed

Few and short are the days we are given
Mortal men leaving only their names
Peace and rest but not for the living
To a place where names are acclaimed
“We bury love;Forgetfulness grows over it like grass:
That is a thing to weep for,not the dead.”
Alexander Smith

“O Time the fatal wrack of mortal things,
That draws oblivion’s curtains over kings;
Their sumptuous monuments,men know them not,
Their names without a record are forgot,
Their parts, their ports, their pomps all laid in th’ dust
Nor wit nor gold , nor buildings scape time’s rust;
But he whose name is graved in the white stone
Shall last and shine when all of these are gone.”
Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)

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162 – Life’s Expiration Date

When the twilight appears
And the day’s put to rest
Your thoughts are your own
To ponder alone

No one talks about it
As if it’s taboo
That mortality that
Lives inside you

You awaken to that deep darkness
The darkness that follows
The darkness that swallows

You wake up in a cold sweat
You cogitate on the sound of your last beat
The sigh of your final breath
But it will keep
You put it to sleep
For it can wait
Life’s expiration date

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262 – My Time is Your Time (To Jennie)

Tears of silence
Flood the room
Surrounded stares
Sighing declares

You have one thought
As you lie and wait
Voices you here
Are not so clear

Dreams disappear
No longer needed
Life is still
No longer pleaded

Prayers in the room
Rise above
Joy and sorrow
Mixed with love

You stretch out your hand
You hear but can’t see
You feel the touch
That means so much

Your memories are locked
No more to be made
Shadows of family
Begin to fade

You cling to your faith
As you always do
Looking for peace and rest
Waiting for you

The angel came
Quenched the flame
Escorted you to heaven
In your Savior’s name

“The righteous perish and no one ponders it in his heart;
Devout men are taken away and no one understands
that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.
Those who walk uprightly enter into peace;
They find rest as they lie in death.”

Isaiah 57(1-2)

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258 – A fork in the Road

As life begins to unfold
Who’s in control?
Reach the fork in the road
Good or bad
Right or wrong
You follow along

One step in
Lets it begin
The entrance is sealed
No turning back

You follow the road
Its twists and turns
Stops and detours

A voice
A choice
A decision
A division

The steps you follow
Right or wrong
Leads you to a place
Where you belong

The roads are different
But outcome the same
Never knowing what you’re face’n
Is predestination

“The Road Not Taken”
“I will be telling this with a sigh.
Somewhere ages and ages hence.
Two roads diverged in a wood,
And I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference”
Robert Frost

”Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the the good way is,
and walk in it,
and you will find rest for
your souls,”
Jeremiah (6:16)

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