Category Archives: Other Poems

167- Idols

Why pray to an imposter
Why hold up futility
Why claim misplaced loyalty
Why follow false reasoning
You speak lies your heart has conceived
You utter lies your heart has believed

You owe allegiance to
Things that are

You kiss a piece of wood
You caress things you’ve obsessed for
You chase after flattering lips
With misdirected devotion

You’ll never know how fragile life can be
When you live out each day  in vanity
They may go by many titles
But soon they become your secret idols

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166 – Pain (Revisited)

Do you morn for yourself?
Do you feel any joy in unrelenting pain?
Do you witness any gain?
Are you willing to see tomorrow
If it’s worth the pain today?

Pangs may seize you
Pain may grip you
Painkillers haunt you
Whom do you turn to?

Life has no guarantees
No one is immune
Some tolerate others can’t
Some can rise above
Others descend below

Soon you come to realize
That life has no compromise
Only a choice
You can’t have both
But are you willing to surrender your pain
Into the hands of
Someone who is willing to break an oat?
“Pain is the breaking of the shell that
encloses your understanding.”
Kahlil Gibran

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165 – Enmity (Genesis 3:13-15 ) (The Preacher)

enmity2With whom am I in enmity with?
With whom do I wish to sit?
Only those that share my beliefs?
Who never call me a hypocrite?

Who is my enemy?
Those whose bitterness leads to hostility
Those that conceal their animosity
Those with latent prejudices
Those that display antagonism
Those that harbor rage
Those who exercise pride

I have made my choice
I’ve made clear my voice
I know with whom I sit
My place is at the gate
Never to be called a hypocrite

Less you take care
Less you take heed
You must also choose
His seed or hers

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038 – Dreams

Some say dreams are only made of wishes
A longing for
A heart’s desire
But dreams are like clouds passing through
You find yourself reaching
But nothing to hold on to
They quickly pass leaving one to wonder
If they ever will stop to have them come true

Some dreams are full of sorrows
Some dreams are filled with joy
Some dreams we sometimes borrow
Some dreams we sometimes ignore

There are dreams that make your heart stand still
There are dreams that tease you just for a thrill
There are dreams that will never be told
There are dreams you wish you could always hold
There are dreams that never can be
There are dreams that only your eyes will see

They say that one can never touch a dream
But a dream can touch a heart
So follow your dreams
Your heart’s desires
If not, unfulfilled dreams may tear you apart
“Dreams are the today’s answers to tomorrow’ s questions”
Edger Cayce

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041 – Moment 0f Time

timeSunrise, sunset
One day blends into another
It’s hard to tell them apart
When one doesn’t know where to start
You step aside and watch time pass by
Never stopping
Never a why

Time moves on
Leaving you to ponder
Upon what might have been
If you tried

But choices are choices
Never to be taken back
Regrets are regrets
Won’t let you forget
Mistakes are mistakes
Never to forsake
Choices, regrets, mistakes
Are what memories make

No one can stop the movement of time
Only memories make time stand still
For no one can turn back time
No one has the power to
So let it lead you on as it will

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164 – My Yearbook

0001  A book of recollections
A book to reminisce
A book to remember
A book some never will miss

Pictures appear
Like ghosts from the past
Photos of faces
Frozen in time
Forgotten memories
Painfully exposed
Written epitaphs
Buried In pages
Full of graffiti
Scribbled on bathroom walls

Solemn reminders
Of youth
And those that shared
For things learned
That never really mattered

Hallowed halls
Shadowy recalls
Of undefined moments

Pages that whisper
Return again
To a season in time
Remember when

Roses were red
Violets were blue
Sugar was sweet
And so were you

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050 – Wishes

Youthful play
Youthful thoughts
Lead to a longing for an asking for
Things that our imaginations sought
When we were told long ago
That wishing would make it so

So we wished for love
So we wished for happiness
So we wished for health
So we wished for wealth

But wishes only happen when we believe
Wishes only happen when we’re certain in our heart
Wishes only happen when we concede
A wish is never make-believe

So if you believe as many do
That wishes you make always come true
For no one should never-ever forsake
Wishes we will always make
For wishes are only the dreams we have
When we are awake

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081- The Autumn of My Life

As I count the years I’ve left behind
The moments and memories that forever entwine
Feelings that cannot be fully defined

I stare at the past with many mistakes and regrets
Some easily remembered some difficult to forget
Flashes of days gone by
That glance before my very eyes
Leave me spell-bound and hypnotized

Times I desire to rearrange
Things that can never be changed
Loves that are forever lost
Dreams that have long last fallen apart
Secrets I keep hidden at the bottom of my heart

I’ll bear them with me as I journey on
A reminder of how my life has gone
I’ll continue my existence with no struggle or strife
As I start to enter into the autumn of my life

“The days are long
The years are short”
My Dad

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079 – Broken Dreams

Pieces and bits of dreams
I have scattered
Throughout my life
Never to be realized
Never to be seen
Pieces of dreams
I hold in my hand
Fall to earth
Like grains of sand
Have left me with only feelings
To deep to understand

Broken dreams
I cannot mend
Broken dreams
Have left me to pretend
That the dreams
That have fallen to my feet
Are the same dreams
That will only repeat
When love returns
Once again

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