Author Archives: hopeless romantic

247 – Love Gone Wrong

Being in love
Not knowing you’re in love
Never being in love before
Not knowing what’s in store

A heart in conflict
Love tugs
Love pulls
Love takes hold
Lets feelings unfold
Knowing I should stay
I chose to walk away

Spoken words never convey
What a song seems to say
Causing the heart to reminisce
First kiss
“So Much in Love”

The magic of a song
Has been for so long
A reminder for me
Of love gone wrong
In the summer of ’63♥
“Music is the best means we have of
digesting time”
W. H. Auden

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243 – The Road to Moriah (A Preacher’s limerick)

On the road to Moriah I met a man
Whose words I didn’t understand
“Have you passed the test
Or do you follow the rest?”
“Do you travel with faith in hand?”

Returning from Moriah is when I knew
What the man was referring to
Left to my own devices
Had left my world in crises
But with faith as my strength I made it through
Faith manifests itself in obedience

“Understanding is the reward of faith.Therefore
seek not to understand that you may believe,but
believe that you may understand.’
Augustine (354-430)

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242 – Some Thoughts on Dying(The Preacher)

No one counts the days
No one counts the ways
Before they grieve
What do you believe?
Do you?

Die in regret
Have done
Haven’t yet

Die in fear
Not knowing what lies ahead
Where do you go?
How do you get there?

Die in denial
You take the position in opposition
Don’t take about dying
Continue denying

Die self-sufficient
I did it my way
That’s all I’ll say

Die in change
Thinking that resolutions
Could provide the solutions

Die in faith
There’s no debate
Live in faith
Die in faith
Talking about dying
Is a social taboo
But how you look at dying
Depends on your point of view
“Every man must do two things alone;
he must do his own believing and his own dying”
Martin Luther

Ari Moriendi (c1415)
The Art of Dying


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241 – A Poet’s Final Resting Place

Bury me not in a mausoleum
Where they visit like a museum
Only to be left alone
Surrounded by blocks of stone

Bury me where the beauty of spring
Will bring me a carpet of clover
To cover me over

Bury me where the shadows fall
On a bright  summer day
Let them rest where I lay

Bury me where the autumn leaves fall
Let their bright colors
Spread a blanket of pall

Bury me where the snow
Brings a blanket of white
To warm me on a cold winter night

A place where the squirrels rabbits butterflies
Come to visit
Where the birds sing my song
A place where I belong
A place where I’ll never be alone
“For behold,the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
The flowers have already appeared in the land;
The time has arrived for pruning the vines,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard
In our land.
The fig tree has ripened its figs,
And the vines in blossom have given forth
Their fragrance…”

The Song of Solomon


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240 – I am the Poem

I inspire pens to write
I give thoughts that transcend imaginations
I open portals for I am immortal
I capture your
All that’s required
To fulfill your desires

I speak an awaken your broken dreams
I inspire and set hearts on fire
I lead and you follow
I give and you take
I feed and you swallow

I am the words you put to song
Without me you can’t get along
I am the love you fantasize about
I am the romance you can’t live without
I am the emotions that stir your devotions

You give me life
I exist only in you
For I am the poem
But you are the poet
“The poets mind is in fact a receptacle
for seizing and storing up  numberless feelings,
phrases, images which remain there until
the particles which can unite to form a new
compound and are present together”
T.S. Eliot

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239 – A Jury of Three (The Preacher)

The angels descended
Caught in the spirit
They lifted me where I lie
Transported me
To the other side

I stood before a jury of three
Robed in black
There they questioned me
My tongue was numb
I could not speak
The answers were given to me

The jury then stepped out
I had no defense
I could not object
It made no sense

The jury returned
Robed in white
To welcome my soul
From darkness to light

The spirits rejoiced
I heard it in their voice
You may not think it so
But the jury makes the choice
“Rejecting Jesus is like a fugitive who spends
all day running to hide.
You will face him after death.
He is the only Judge and Jury.”
Felix Wantang

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013 – I Was Her Hero

She never said it only the look in her eyes
Told the story of the love she so idolized
It never mattered to her at all
Whether I was rich or poor short or tall
Nothing really mattered but the gleam
In her eyes every time she saw me pass by
The passion and longing she kept inside
Never revealing her true desires
Our two worlds would never coincide
For fate is sometimes funny that way
For heroes come and go in a young girl’s heart
But that’s what makes a girl a woman
And that’s how a man tells them apart

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122 – Welcome Back

Welcome back to your memories
To the times you left behind
Those recollections still haunt you so
Those mirror-like images
That reflect the moments of your life
you cannot reject

Images that still shine brightly as time moves on
Visual photographs you thought were gone
They remain with you still
Those leftover dreams yet to fulfill
The images you see
A level above reality

They never seem to let you forget
It would seem your past
Is not through with you yet

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238 – Life’s Eminent Domain

You claim to have the right to
Incite to violence
This is your claim under
Life’s eminent domain
You have the right to seize
To do what you please

You step out of your domain
Establish your own
Your own written code
Which is not subject to your
Normal abode

Clothed in anger
Vail in heart
You attempt to
split apart

You may bang the drum
Until you are numb
You may fool some
But for the rest
We’re just not that dumb!
“Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?”
“Mrs. Robinson”(1968)
Simon & Garfunkel

“Do not reprove a scoffer,or he will hate you
Reprove a wise man and he will love you”
‘If you are wise,you are wise for yourself,
And if you scoff,you alone will bear it”Ps:9(1-18)

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