295- Where is Your Safe Space?

Do you have a safe space?
Where do you go when in trouble?
Where do you hide?
How do you decide?

Where do you find peace?
Do you turn to religion?
Do you trust your horoscope?
Join a cult?
Maintain Hope?
How do you cope?

Where do you go to be alone?
Do you go to your room
For the silence?
Do you dwell in darkness?
Silently pray
To forget the day

Where is your safe place?
Is it a place where you hide your secrets?
No one allowed to enter
Worries and fears locked out
Dreams become real
Moments surreal

Everyone needs a safe place to call their own
To settle the issues that life has thrown
Your car
The library
The park bench
Movie theater
Going home
Your dreams
Your work
Read a book

My safe place I will never tell
Reading this poem
You know it very well
“We can’t be brave in the big world without
one small safe place to work through
our fears and falls”
Brene Brown

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