Category Archives: Poems from the Heart
267 Call Me when You:
Sense sorrow
Need a friend
Taste loneliness
Need a touch
Can’t sleep
You weep
Need to share
Need a hug
feel forsaken
Call me
As soon as
Love awakens
264 – Whistling in the dark
The flame has dwindled
Leaving only a spark
Does it still rekindle?
Or am I just whistling in the dark
You loved me once
Will you love me again?
The burn has left its mark
Am I still whistling in the dark?
Up from the ashes
Rises a flame
A burning desire
A consuming fire
Or just a brush?
What a bust
Finding myself whistling in the dark
Wil the phoenix rise?
Only to recognize
That love is a compromise
I wasn’t willing to share
A twist A lark
Will I forever be whistling in the dark?
‘Tell me darling is there still a spark?
Or only ashes of the flame we knew.
Should I go whistling in the dark?…”
Lyrics from
“Serenade in Blue”
226 – Sempre Fine
When does love begin?
When does love end?
Is love forever?
Or never- ever?
Past present future
Yesterday today tomorrow
It’s here where forever lies
Where love forever abides
Is love?
Does love’s arc
Ever parallel your reality?
Does the past
kiss the present?
Does the preset
Hold the future?
How long does your forever last?
Is there a forever and a day?
Ageless love
Timeless love
Un sempre per amore
Sempre fine
ti amore per sempre
025 – Another Place Another Time
She watched me off with another
A longing in her heart to be my lover
Her lips remained silent her eyes an occasional glance
A love denied never a chance
The pain of remembering A love locked away
A love in limbo promised for another day
Tears kept in a bottle dreams kept on hold
Solitary nights thoughts without ever so cold
A love that lingers is a love forever
It never forgets to remind
For unforgotten love is a love forever-never
A lover’s haunt played in rewind
Over time the heart remains fast
It carries love’s burden always in mime
Memories and dreams locked in the past
Waiting for the moment to come together
Another Place Another Time
021 – A fool’s Love
Am I a fool for still loving her?
I was a fool for handing her my heart
Maybe it’s because I loved her too much
To love her any less wound tear me apart
I grieve for a love I can never have
A love that I once held in my arms
A love that only a fool would understand
A special love between a woman and a man
Fools hold on to dreams to beautiful to last
Never knowing in their hearts that they may pass
Fools hold on to love no matter how it seems
To let go would leave an emptiness full of forgotten dreams
Although A fool soon learns that with love comes pain
A fool’s heart will still go on
Searching for another love to dream of
For without love a fool’s heart cries in vain
But fools sometimes turn wise
Playing games that only wise men play
But they soon realize
That a fool’s love is the only love that survives
225 – Love and Life
Hold on to love
The poets say
For like water
Love and life
Just drift away
How do you keep the love from fading?
Time doesn’t heal as they say
Time only moves love further away
Leaving remnants of love’s decay
Life will cease
Thoughts to descend
To a place unknown
To a place with no end
Where love dies
Only to be born again
Mortality is bitter
Life paralyzing
When love’s not realized
It flows into eternity
There to remain
An unfulfilled memory
No longer to sustain
118 – What do we do?
What do we do when it’s no longer there?
The love the two of us shared
What do we do with the memories we made?
The ones that linger on, the ones that never fade
What do we do with the dreams left behind?
The ones that were yours
The ones that were mine
What do we do with the time on our hands
When we no longer share each others plans
What do we do when time lies?
When destiny rules
When fate distrusts
In our hearts they can never take away
Those things from us
098 – Loving Two
Loving one is beautiful
Loving two is grand
Never dreamt never planed
But to whom do you offer your hand?
No one lives with an indecisive heart
A procrastinating heart will tear you apart
Torn between, you soon discover that
You became a disenchanted lover
You realize to discern is something you have to learn
It therefore becomes no surprise when you surmise
Holding on to two is hard to do
Letting go of one can’t be done
No matter who you choose
You will always lose
092 – Do you Really find love?
Do you really find love in your dreams?
Do you really find love at first sight?
Do you really find love when you wish on a star?
Do you really find love if your heart tells you so?
Do you really find love in your very first kiss?
A memory you just can’t dismiss
Do you really find love in the morning dew?
April showers, fragrance of spring.
Garden flowers, a walk in the park,sunshine after a summer rain,
Warmth of a winter’s fire,or the touch of winter snow?
Are these the times that tell you so
Many follow their dreams looking for love
Others follow their hearts
while others do not know where to start
But here’s a question I believe to be true
Do you really fine love or those love find you?