I wish it would go away
This feeling that begs to stay
These thoughts of mine tear at the heart
Haunting me from day to day
No one knows what’s happening inside
This feeling I carefully hide
A secret between me and my thoughts
One that I’ve unsuccessfully fought
A struggle to keep the heart forgetting
Has left only thoughts of a heart regretting
I wish it would go away
This feeling that begs to stay
And let me love again while I may♥
“Love is so short
Forgetting is so long”
Pablo Neruda
Category Archives: Poems from the Heart
019 – I Don’t Know Why
I don’t know why I love her so
I don’t know why I can’t let her go
The thoughts of her cloud my head
Although she’s in love with another instead
I spend the nights in solitary grief
While in my dreams I find no relief
The feelings I have are difficult to deal
My love for her so powerful and so real
I wake with the sun and dread the day
Knowing my love for her will not go away
She goes with me wherever I go
Her love I carry a weight too depressing
I desire relief but I find no resting
I reflect on the days we spent together
Though the days numbered but a few
Our love was so real, so deep, and so true
Though years have passed and she with another
I know in my heart she’s still my lover
I can’t seem to break the spell that I’m under
Does she still think of me I often wonder?
I don’t know why I love her so
I don’t know why I can’t let her go
If fate is kind if fate is true
Our love will bind our love will renew
If destiny’s forever if destiny’s in charge
Then someday love’s destiny will forever be ours♥
018 – There’s a Void in My Heart
There’s a place in my heart meant for love
A place reserved for only one
A room prepared by the angels above
The key to which she held alone
A love unlocked, a love overflowing
A love unleashed, a lover’s ember glowing
A love- filled heart only she could satisfy
A love that my heart could never deny
But a romance started maybe a romance departed
Unless the heart’s love is carefully guarded
But when a lover’s heart is destroyed
It leaves an emptiness, an abyss, a primeval void
I opened the door and let her love depart
Dropped the key and shut my heart
Others have tried, while many implored
But the key to my heart remains in the door
There’s a void in my heart no one can fill
Though many have tried to occupy
A door kept locked for eternity
For only she can turn the key
016 – It’s Always You
Every time I fall in love it’s always you
Every time I see a star in the blue it’s always you
Every time I smell the fragrance of spring it’s always you
Every time I hear a melody of celestial strings it’s always you
I never think about others, they have no meaning for me
I’ve taken chances with other romances, but they never seem to be
I’ve known other loves, many passions we have shared
Some asking for much more, more than I could bear
I have witnessed the look in a woman’s eyes
I have heard the longing in a woman’s sigh
I have smelled the fragrance of a woman’s hair
I have experienced the desire of a woman’s gentle care
I have felt the magic of a woman’s touch
But the taste of their kisses never thrilled me much
Every dream I dream it’s always you
Every kiss it seems it’s always you
Every woman I love it’s always you
Oh, how I wish this were only true♥
015 – It Never Crossed My Mind
It never crossed my mind you’d leave me
It never crossed my mind you’d go
I always thought we’d be together
I always thought you loved me so
But now I see that all your charms
Are now being shared in someone else’s arms
I shed a tear when I see you walk by
Holding tightly to the arm of another guy
I would never have thought you’d refer to me
As someone you knew
An acquaintance of sorts
A somebody who
You no longer notice when I see you walk by
Your head in the air a look of defy
Played for a fool never the wise
A love deceived a clever disguise
I may never understand why you left (for another man)
Was it me?
What did I do?
I haven’t a clue
Someday my heart will find another maybe then
I will discover
The secret of the disenchanted lover
014 – How Do You Hold Back a Tear?
How do you hold back a tear
Whenever a thought of her appears?
How do you erase that thought
When your heart tells you naught?
How do you hold back a tear
Whenever you wish she was near?
How do you remove that wish
When your heart tells you of its bliss?
How do you hold back a tear
When a dream of her reappears?
How do you vanquish a dream
When your heart tells you it’s not what it seems?
How do you hold back a tear
Whenever you sigh a why?
How do you wipe away a sigh
When your heart tells you not to try?
How do you hold back a tear?
It’s impossible to try
Memories never fade I fear
So it’s okay to breakdown and cry
009 – Lost Love (clopin clopant)
With rejection comes loneliness
With loneliness comes despair
With despair comes grief
With grief comes a solitary tear
Relationships are meaningless with only one
Dreams never dreamt can never come true
Romance never shared is romance undone
Love never returned is love left eschew
Heartache begins when love has ended
Heartache turns a dream into a yearning
Heartache yearns for a heart to be mended
Heartache longs for a love still burning
Hopelessness becomes the very last scene
A knowing that love lost can never be found
A vision of love surrenders its final beams
As they slowly bring the (final) curtain down
“Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all”
Alfred Lord Tennyson
006 – The Second Time Around
Many believe that life has one go around
I believed it to be so
Believed that love lost would never be found
and so I lived it as though
Days and nights sunrise and sunsets
Merge as one lives through vanishing
Time never a word spoken a life lived
In mime
Thoughts and dreams come and go
Never to be realized and rightly so
For second chances are made for some but
For the lonely they never seem to come
Memories bring back sorrow and sadness
Never a joy in one’s heart never a
Moment of gladness you think of her
And how it used to be and picture that
A second chance would set your heart
The aroma of perfume the taste of tears
The aura of love that enveloped her
Face in my heart I can never replace
But your thoughts and dreams are
No longer for me they are now
Reserved for another he
A second chance comes with a risk
A stepping out a danger of love
Renewed but love buried can only
Be renewed when it comes between two
A touch of a hand a glance of an eye
A gently spoken word can be found
Making love between two forever
The second time around♥
001 – The Only One Who Matters
The only one who matters to me
Is slowly fading away
My grief to hold her to my heart
May not last for another day
I try as I may to keep her in mind
It seems futile as thoughts of her stray
My grief to hold her to my heart
May not last for another day
I struggle inside to the depth of my being
To keep her vision alive
Although I try and try as I may
My grief to hold her to my heart may
Not last for another day
As days pass by and years they fly
Her memory shall forever stay
Though I am old and sit alone
I think of her as I pray
My grief to hold her to my heart will
Last till my very last day