Does it matter…?
How much money you make
How many friends you have
How many possessions you own
How successful you are
If you obtained fame
If you win the game
How many matters really matter
You labor each day
For things you think truly matter
In your struggles and strife
Have you ever considered
What’s the real point of your life?
They’ve asked me to forgive you
Do what you think is right
Rise above the norm they say
They want me to show compassion
To their satisfaction
Yet, you do not confess
You show no emotion
You express no words
You remain silent
You want my forgiveness
Yet, you prefer to stand and choose to
Argue in silence
But I know that
Forgiveness is the gateway to freedom
It frees you from the bitterness and indignation
That you’ve stored in your heart
“To err is human;
To forgive divine.”
Alexander Pope
He reaps what he does not sow
He takes what he does not need
He exchanges lies for truth
He never satisfies his greed
On a downward spiral
A one-way direction
Burning his conscience
Knowing all the while
He’ll never change his style
Chasing after rainbow colored bubbles
Until they burst
Leaving him no better than worse
Blames everyone but himself
For somewhere in his life
He flunked the test
It was never supposed to be
Bad better best
“And yet to every bad
There is worse”
Whom do you see when there’s no one to see?
What do you say when there’s nothing to say?
You meditate on thoughts that you don’t have
And listen to the silence that resonates
You linger and wait for an answer to a question you never asked
While you bask in the solitude that continues to ruminate
You attempt to step out of your stare
But find it hard to bare
You wonder where your dreams have gone
Your ambitions and desires number but a few
Hope against hope you find yourself lost in you
But that’s what loneliness can do
“You’re only lonely if you’re not there for you”
Yesterday’s a shadow
Tomorrow’s forever
Today’s a standstill
Life is but a day
When day is gone
I cannot hold the future
Try as I may
Life is but a compass
Directing my days
My conscience
My pilot
Leads the way
When the light of my youth
The spark of my being reminds me
That life is ever fleeing
The years quietly slip away
They never last
Leaving me to reflect on memories
From my past
Although life may escape me
Placing my soul at rest
I attempt to catch a vision
Of the future
I try my best to foresee
But I cannot fathom eternity
“Eternity is said not to be an extension of time
But an absence of time”
Don’t tell me you wish me well
Don’t tell me things will work out
Don’t tell me good luck
Don’t tell me there are better days ahead
Keep your magical solutions
Keep your superstitious acts
Those leave me helpless and powerless
Keep your
Where fear and ignorance always dwell
I know
That my faith and my hope will join
That my life is not left to chance
That my life is worth a lot more
Then just a flip of a coin
“What is faith? It is the confident assurance
that what we hope for is going to happen.
It is the evidence of things we cannot see.”
Hebrews (11:1)
I have yet to reveal
The whispers in my heart
Never revealed
Forever concealed
Private thoughts I have hidden from sight
Reflections of my life yet to come to light
Never to disclose
Only if I chose
If they were to be exposed
It would tear me apart
Only to betray my secret heart
“Every man has his secret sorrows
Which the world knows not”
To be told
Your poems don’t rhyme
To hear it said
There is no pattern
They ask
What’s a poem
Without a rhyme?
What’s a story
Without a plot?
What’s a writer
Without a word?
Who’s to judge?
Who’s to criticize?
Who’s to blame?
Who’s to censure?
They will never understand
That a good poet’s thoughts always rhyme
“A poem is true if it hangs together
Information points to something else
A poem points to nothing but itself”
See me
On the screen
Growing in the hidden place
Nurturing my many dreams
See me
When I see the light
When the darkness disappears
And I have you in my sight
See me
As I begin my talk
Guide me
As I begin my walk
See me
As you hold my hand
Leaving me
To learn and understand
See me
During those trying years
When puberty
Tests my many fears
See me
When I leave the nest
Knowing that
You’ve done your best
See me
When two become one
Knowing that
Your work is done
See me
As you smile
To welcome
Your first grandchild
See me
When my hair turns gray
And my life just
Slips away
See us
Together again
Counting the years
Remembering when
“My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place”
“When I was woven together in the depths of the earth
your eyes SAW my unformed body”
“All the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be” PS:(139:15-16)