Category Archives: Other Poems

233 – Those Carefree Years

Remember the former days
Don’t throw them away
No need to look back
For the present encompasses the past
For memories do last
So don’t erase the past

Remember the former days
The days of your youth
The days of first love
The days of joy
The days of disappointments and strife
The days that shaped your life

But remember the former days
In your last days
As you grow old
Appreciate and cherish
With laughter and tears
Those hungry years
Those carefree years

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232 – A Poet’s Random Thoughts

Why is a child seen but not heard?
Never allowed to speak a word

Like a bird in the hand
What is life worth?
Why do some deny birth?

Why are fifties’ values scorned?
Yet today’s values are torn

Are woman like men?
Are men like woman?
Culture aside
Biology applied

Why do they discredit housewives?
Because they choose how to live their lives

What is the difference between Betty and Bryon?
Why is one labeled a predator the other a siren?

No need to go to a university
To learn the meaning of diversity
But in life’s community
You have to have unity

Why does society judge a book by its cover?
And defends its right
Even after the truth comes to light

Why do proud people see only themselves?
And love to talk over you
To justify their own view

“Fools have no reason in  understanding
They only want to air their own opinion”
Proverbs 18:2

Why do wise people know their limitations?
And never go beyond their expectations
“There were three kids in my family
One of each sex”
Henny Youngman
How prophetic!
“Jesters do often prove prophets”
William Shakespeare
King Lear










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230 – Clouds of Darkness

Clouds of darkness
Cover the eyes
The lamp is shattered
The raven flies
Hope adjourned
Waiting return

Choices and consequences
Never confirmed
Waiting to reborn
Waiting on the morn

Try as it might
Does the darkness prevent
Light from shinning?
Does the darkness retreat
From the light?
The answer’s in sight
When indecisions are gone
At the time of great darkness
Where is your dawn?
“Post tenebras lux”
After darkness
Indecision is a choice

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229 – Society’s Mantra

Is not your life
Robed and hijacked
By society’s mantra
Must one pretend
That what is real is not real
What is not real is real
And not just a fairy tale

It opens the door and lets it begin
But tries its best to keep Puff in
Once it crosses the line
It can never return again

Truth is only the truth if one
Thinks it’s the truth
Satisfying a conscience
Sacrificing others liberties

The sun will shine
The rain will fall
Night(darkness) turns to day(light)
Children still play
Lovers still hold to true love ways

Is fellowship dead?
Do we no longer break bread?
One must pray that it’s not official
That society has  become addicted
To the artificial
Song from
Pippa Passes

“The year’s at the spring
And day’s at the morn;
Morning’s at seven;
The hillside’s dew-pearled;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn:
God’s in His heaven –
All’s right with the world”
Robert Browning
How Ironic!




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228 – The I Planet

A binary man
Just a number
Never a hero
Counting ones
Counting zeroes

Look alike
Think alike
Speak alike

A virtual game
Follow the leader
Stay in step
Don’t be a cheater

Jump through the hoop
Join the group
Do as they say
Don’t go astray

Lose of gender
Lose of love
Lose of identity
Can’t remember

In reality
Lost my  Individuality
Lost in a virtual sea
What ever happened to me?
“Remember what it was to be me:
That is always the point”
Joan Didion

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225 – Love and Life

Hold on to love
The poets say
For like running water
Love and life just drifts away
Never to return from were they came

How do you keep love from  fading?
Time doesn’t heal as they say
Time only moves love further away
Leaving remnants of love’s decay

Life does cease
Thoughts do descend
To a place not known
To a place with no end
Where love dies
Only to be born again

Mortality is bitter
Life paralyzing
Where love’s not realized
It flows into eternity
There to remain
An unfulfilled memory
No longer to sustain
As long as there’s life
There’s hope

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224 – I Fear (The Preacher)

I fear the night
The darkness brings
Where demon spirits troll
To capture my very soul

I fear the waning moon
Its artificial light
It brings no warmth
On a cold bitter night

I fear for sleep
Chance I wake
The hand of death
My breath will take

I fear my dreams
For what they say
If they be true
They rule the day

I fear the dawn
The light it brings
Will it expose
Those secret things

I fear mortality
The end of days
The final hymn
The organ plays

I fear that God
In His almighty power
Will not save me from His wrath
In my final hour

We’ve been told
Do not fear
Do as I command
Walk with me
I will hold your right hand
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil , for You are with me.
Psalm (23-4)

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221 – What’s There to Do?

What’s there to do?
When you are trapped in your thoughts
Thoughts are only thoughts
Never put to words
Feelings and emotions
Never heard

You struggle in silence
To basket your thoughts
You carry your feelings
That you have fought

With pen in hand
You take a stand
You write the words
That need to be heard
Thoughts that no longer roam
The birth of a poem
“Words without thoughts
Never to heaven go”
William Shakespeare

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223 – The Retreating Mirage (The Preacher)

You extend all your labor
On something you’ll never catch
For the false appears real
Making life surreal

A façade of being happy
You race towards success

You extend all your labor
On satisfying the next thing
A little bit more
You just can’t ignore

You delude yourself into thinking
That you’re in control
Always in doubt
As to what life is all about
Too many get fooled
By an endless barrage
Chasing after life’s retreating mirage
“…Mirages are things that aren’t really there
That you can see very clearly”
Norton Juster
“The Phantom Tollbooth”



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222 – Reflection

Mirror mirror on the wall
Help me  to recall
The images in my mind
Reflection of a likeness
Place my thoughts in rewind

Memories reflect
Thoughts that are scattered
I try to collect
But it doesn’t seem to matter

Reasoning aside
I try my best
To forget the past
To put my thoughts to rest
Learning to forget
Has not happened yet
I’ve learned at last
To live with the past

Mirror mirror on the wall
It doesn’t matter after all
Becoming introspective
I’m now self-reflective

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