Category Archives: Other Poems

235 – Random Thoughts on Faith(The Preacher)

Why do some people think that faith is
Just name it and claim it

Why do some people see faith only as a
Wish list

Why do some know and then believe
While others believe and then know

Why do some put faith in creation
While others put their faith in speculation

Why do some believe in blind faith
And then hope for the best

Why do some not believe in blind faith
Yet have no concept of what faith is

Why do they tell us in times of heartache
That we don’t have enough faith

Why do some have faith in what they see
But have no faith in what is not seen

Why is it hard to explain
Why some find faith through pain

Why does true faith come
Under persecution

Why is it hard to believe
And difficult to conceive
That you have to have faith
In order to test your faith
‘We look at the things which are seen,
but at the things which are not seen;
for the things which are seen are temporal,
but the things which are not seen are eternal”

2 Corinthians: (4:18)

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234 – The Swamp People ( An Allegory)

Crawling out of the muck and mire
Wearing only condescending attire
Emerged 7 creatures with evil eyes of fire
Swearing to bring down the elected hire

I heard one creature utter verbal assaults
I heard another utter verbal accusations
The third creature screaming,” It’s your fault”
The forth replied,” We need no other explanation”
I saw another spitting and swearing
One creature continued to scoff and mock yelling,
“Heads will roll off the chopping block”

The last creature appeared
Wearing a sheep’s disguise
Shouting verbal persecutions
Waiting for the prince of lies to arrive
Looking at the moon yelling,
“Soon! Soon! Soon!”

As I gazed back at the swamp
With tribulation and fear
A pair of horns
Suddenly appeared

I ran to a church
Climbed the steeple
And with a loud cry,
“Who is able to stop these swamp people?”

The elected hire spoke,
“I don’t shrink back to destruction”
“I won’t remain silent”
“I won’t sit back if you become violent”
You continue in your lies
Just as before
To blind to realize
That the judge is waiting at the door
Ad hominem(to the man)
Why do you attack the man
And not his words?

“They  sharpen their tongues as a serpent;
Poison of a viper is under their lips”
Psalm (140:3)

“By your words you shall be justified,
And by your words you shall be condemned”

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094 – Home

When the night blankets the day
The silence and the stillness echo beyond the stars
That take me on my journey
A yearning for a returning where my dreams carry me home
I need no road map
I need no guide
For I travel on memories forever hidden inside
They always lead to where I’ve been
A direction I have locked within

I arrive at the place where my life began
Back to a time of innocence a time of joy
The time I spent in childhood while a boy
I witness the aspirations of my youth
The things I had once thought and said
I ponder the things that might have been
If only I had listened instead

I follow the footsteps that lead me to see
That life isn’t always what you planned it to be
For life is full of  empty dreams
And things are not always what they seem
I see the years slipping by
The void that gnaws deep in side
And the loneliness that walks close by my side

But I do fine compassion warmth and the love in the hearts
Of my friends
The dreams of home that will never end
And as the day breaks and the world awakes
I wait for the cover of darkness
To take me home again
“Where we love is home-
Home that our feet may leave
But not our hearts”
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

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077 – The Spirits of My Youth

As I return to  my childhood refuge
How distant it all seems to be
Strange figures like apparitions
Appear to beckon me
Shadows of my yesterdays
Move slowly in timeless space
Murmuring words that only I can retrace

Skeletons from my youth walk silently
Through the streets
I can recognize the dead but not the living
I remember their thoughts and what was said
Memories I cherish memories I keep
Though all have now fallen to sleep

The streets are the same and so are their names
With their houses full of life and brightly lit
The sound of the city reverberates
But I can’t hear it
For at long last have gone
Those familiar spirits

Although the spirits have departed
The hopes and aspirations are no longer there
The portals are closed the dreams disappear
But the memories never end
Nothing can or will replace
For nothing will be the same again
Haunted House
“The stranger at my  fireside cannot see
The  forms I see ,nor hear the sounds I hear;
He but  perceives what is; while unto me
All that was has been is visible and clear.”

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168 – A Tale Told

Life is but a tale told
To briefly unfold
A narrative played out
In three dimension
A story written down
Of days passed away
A recital of happenings
Performed on a stage
All playing a role
No admissions need to be sold
Each has a portion of a tale told

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011- Doors (The preacher)

The doors in my life
Have somehow been shut
I can’t seem to find the key
Some say I’m in a rut
But no one knows but me

I seek to find a way to enter in
I pray for one to be opened
But I don’t know where to begin
To find one ajar is what I was hopin’
There is little future or hope
When life’s doors are closed
( An existence I never chose)
An aimless and solitary existence
Is all that’s there
The hurting endured is too much to bear

 Some say that God shuts one door and opens another
This may well be for some
There are many chosen to be in his will
While others wait patiently still

The keys to the doors belong to God alone
To open and shut as He wills
We can never enter in on are own
Until trust and faith have been fulfilled
“The door is closed to prayer unless it is opened
with the key of trust”
John Calvin

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233 – Those Carefree Years

Remember the former days
Don’t throw them away
No need to look back
For the present encompasses the past
For memories do last
So don’t erase the past

Remember the former days
The days of your youth
The days of first love
The days of joy
The days of disappointments and strife
The days that shaped your life

But remember the former days
In your last days
As you grow old
Appreciate and cherish
With laughter and tears
Those hungry years
Those carefree years

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232 – A Poet’s Random Thoughts

Why is a child seen but not heard?
Never allowed to speak a word

Like a bird in the hand
What is life worth?
Why do some deny birth?

Why are fifties’ values scorned?
Yet today’s values are torn

Are woman like men?
Are men like woman?
Culture aside
Biology applied

Why do they discredit housewives?
Because they choose how to live their lives

What is the difference between Betty and Bryon?
Why is one labeled a predator the other a siren?

No need to go to a university
To learn the meaning of diversity
But in life’s community
You have to have unity

Why does society judge a book by its cover?
And defends its right
Even after the truth comes to light

Why do proud people see only themselves?
And love to talk over you
To justify their own view

“Fools have no reason in  understanding
They only want to air their own opinion”
Proverbs 18:2

Why do wise people know their limitations?
And never go beyond their expectations
“There were three kids in my family
One of each sex”
Henny Youngman
How prophetic!
“Jesters do often prove prophets”
William Shakespeare
King Lear










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230 – Clouds of Darkness

Clouds of darkness
Cover the eyes
The lamp is shattered
The raven flies
Hope adjourned
Waiting return

Choices and consequences
Never confirmed
Waiting to reborn
Waiting on the morn

Try as it might
Does the darkness prevent
Light from shinning?
Does the darkness retreat
From the light?
The answer’s in sight
When indecisions are gone
At the time of great darkness
Where is your dawn?
“Post tenebras lux”
After darkness
Indecision is a choice

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