Let’s go back to’55
R&R is coming alive
Carteret on Grove
Across from the candy store
We walked
Nobody drove
Mike the cop watched as we crossed
We all knew he was the boss!
Entered the playground
Boys on one side of the school girls on the other
Buck buck we played till the bell rang
Single file; some to the first floor some to the second
Like little soldiers I reckon
Wooden desk and chair
Ink well Fontane pen
Hide in here
Teacher stare
Times we dared
Did I mention
Not paying attention
Recess and snacks(cheezits) made our day
Baseball and hopscotch all the way
Home for lunch to an empty house to an empty nest
Returning back to our friends was the best
Pray in school was the rule
We’d read the Psalms every day Ps. (1,25,100)
I still can recite them to this day
That memory never goes away
Down to the basement
Air raid alarm
Sat next to wall
Waiting for bombs to fall
Joined the glee club
For the Christmas performance
Our parents in the audience
Carols from the hymn book
All we sang
Some in Latin
I wish I could have patented
(Thanks, Mom, for helping with the makeup!)
It was here that I learned to dance
It was here that I witnessed my first romance
Her name was Gloria
Where she is today
I can’t say
She was my partner
At our 6th grade graduation dance
Memories abound:
Stickball against the wall
Football on the lawn
Running through the school basement
Friday nite boys club
Being with my mom at the card parties
I know there are many more
But this is all I can endure
This was so long ago
Little did I know
How it affected me so
“I wish my (elementary) school days could have dragged on a little longer
or that I could go back and do it later in life”
Cara Delevingne