On the road to redemption
Salvation assured
I approached a crossroad
Having 4 stop signs
Which way Lord?
Contemplating my fate
Looking perplexed
Each road so narrow
Never vexed
Crossing the line
With apprehension
I found myself
On the road to redemption
Which road to take
Became a dilemma
Once elected
I was given a directive
Take the road you think best
Let me take care of all the rest
Convinced of my destiny
I took the road meant for me
All one-way
No return
Then I learned much
to my surprise
All 4 roads
No compromise
Looking beyond
I read the signs
Need I mention
The only roads to redemption
“I have wiped out your transgressions
like a thick cloud
and your sins like a heavy mist,
return to me,for I have redeemed you”
Isaiah 44-22